Health & Wellness Day at the Sussex County Fair

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Another table at Health & Wellness Day belonged to SettingSun Wellness, a Hackettstown company that focuses on relaxation through breathing practices and music.
Founder Kyle Buller, who has helped patients affected by mental health issues, talked about some of the advantages of this kind of therapy.
"We hold a lot of deep-seeded emotions and stress in our body," Buller said, "and breath work can help get you there -- to release it and get it out of your body. It can be kind of therapeutic to reduce stress and anxiety."
Buller said some sessions can result in rolling around, shaking and even screaming or crying from patients who relive difficult experiences. He explained how this kind of behavior is actually beneficial to individuals.
"A difficult experience just might be a really difficult emotion that they need to work through," Buller said. "By reliving it or having that experience, you can work through it and kind of change the narrative around it and then, hopefully, get it out of your body."
On The WebKyle